
Maadi STEM Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries in an attempt to solve real-world issues.
We believe that the young people are the future of the nation, their thoughts and ideas can change the world and their voices deserve to be heard.
We aim to create a safe place for exchanging culture, ideas, and opinions, acting as an open gate for students to enter the MUN platform in which we can present our beliefs and ideas, and work together as one entity to bring an impactful decision on our community.


Our vision is to provide a safe haven for all those who are interested in international politics and issues of concern to the public to express their suppressed opinions and disseminate their ideas by holding a conference that includes many of the topics to discuss in compliance with the rules stated by the UN.
We also provide a wholesome, loving, fraternal environment for all the members of the team to make them dedicated to their work, which is reflected in our great periodical posts and marketing campaigns that only comes from a collaborative team that works every imposition and tries to bring out his creativity as if that team is his only concern and because of that we achieved all our vision.